Go fast, go far

There is this African proverb : If you want to go fast, go alone.If you want to go far, go together.

I don’t know exactly what it really means for native African, nor how this proverb related with daily life in Africa.But, I’ve heard and read this proverb many times in talks or articles which used it to explain about team work.

In my opinion, this proverb is not simply just tells you to “go far together”.
In this life, sometimes you need to go fast-alone. And sometimes you do need accompany to go far.
You’re the one who knows when you need to go fast and when you need to go far.
If you need to go fast, remember to prioritize wisely.If you need to go far, choose your company wisely.

Whatever you do, do it happily and wholeheartedly.

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